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Writer's picturePurplePsychNurse

Nothing Profound To Say

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

A major loss in my life has contributed to an extra-large-sized writer’s block that is difficult to move off my desk. I love an old Calvin and Hobbes comic strip that has Calvin excited about inventing the writer's block. He proudly shows Hobbs a large cube and explains that once you put it on your desk you cannot write there anymore.

Unfortunately, moving writer’s block and other mental and emotional “blocks” are not as simple as moving a cube out of your way. Sometimes we have to acknowledge and sit with our block. Look at it. Understand it. Accept it. All before we can move toward its dissolution.

Acknowledging the block in my way as real and tangible is healing for me. Admitting that I am sad and that writing this is hard, is part of my process. It is challenging for me to write when I do not feel I have anything profound to express. Writing now feels vulnerable, but I do believe there is strength to be found in the vulnerable places.

My fear, dear reader, is that you will get to the end of this post and be disappointed that you read it at all. It is part of a great chasm of fear that I do not create enough meaning in my writing and maybe in my life. Is there a name for a fear of not being profound?

I feel a bit silly posting about my writer’s block, but great relief at admitting it. The ego in me wants you to gush at my insights that come as regularly scheduled posts. The real me celebrates the imperfections I am learning to accept.

My writer’s block is already smaller by about 300 words! My greatest hope is that you will find hope and courage to lean into your own blocks. Sometimes life is crazier than a comic strip.

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